Stop "Just Existing" in Your Professional Life!

Don't you want to experience the benefits of being the high performing professional that you are in your field of work?


This company was formed to help people gain CAREER CLARITY and CAREER DIRECTION.  Our coaching resources are what we wish we had much earlier in life.  This video explains Why I Became A Coach...

My Digital Self, LLC (MDS) provides individual and group professional development resources via a digital platform to individuals, organized groups, business organizations. 

MDS specializes in assisting professionals in the discovery, definition and execution strategy of their career niches, professional development and wellness tracking.

MDS supports professional leaders and coaches with digitized processes allowing for an effective way identify and address development roadblocks for their groups and clients. 

Overall, the MDS coaching service resources provide simplified methods to identify, define and employ optimal career & wellness techniques, resulting in accelerated progress towards sustainable, long-term success!

Our Mission

"Transform professional lives to achieve personal and business victories through compelling instruction and mentorship”

Our Values

Empowering others to take ownership of their professional development, openly share knowledge, increase confidence, and expand expertise

Our Promise

To Patiently Promote Professional Growth and Learning Experiences




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